LSTM is playing a unique role in the response to COVID-19, covering all of the translational research cycle. From the beginning of the outbreak It has partnered with industry, academic institutions and organisations aimed to have the best possible impact on public health in the UK and overseas.

A lot of LSTM’s research is conducted via its Centre for Drugs and Diagnostics (CDD). This Centre comprises an experienced multi-disciplinary group of experts working together researching, developing and validating drugs and diagnostics in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Research into vaccines is the only way to find out which vaccines will work. LSTM plays a key role in the various COVID-19 vaccine research programmes that are ongoing, most notably establishing LSTM as a Phase III trial site for the Oxford Vaccine Trial.

LSTM also partners with multiple other institutions and organisations to provide evidence based advisory services to government departments and other interested parties.

COVID-19 Latest news

COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition

LSTM Director, Professor David Lalloo, joined a group of scientists, physicians, funders and policy makers from over 70 institutions from over 30 countries who launched an international coalition to respond to COVID-19 in resource-poor settings.

The COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition aims to accelerate desperately needed COVID-19 research in those areas where the virus could wreak havoc on already-fragile health systems and cause the greatest health impact on vulnerable populations.

In a Comment published in The Lancet, the members of the coalition argue that international research collaboration and coordination is needed urgently to support African, Latin American, Eastern European, and certain Asian countries to respond effectively to the worsening pandemic and speed up research adapted to resource-limited settings.