Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME*) Staff Network
Welcome to our staff led network, raising awareness of race equality across LSTM
Thank you for your interest in the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Minority Ethnic (BAME*) Staff Network; we offer membership for BAME staff, and for associate staff members.
We were founded by an active core group of staff in February 2020 and have been eager to expand our membership so that we can be representative of BAME staff voices from across LSTM.
Our aim
To support all UK and International staff that identify as BAME by raising awareness of race equality across LSTM, and to promote the creation of a working and learning environment in which all staff, students, stakeholders, and visitors feel welcome, comfortable, respected and valued.
View our full Terms of Reference to find out about our objectives and what motivates us.
About the committee
The committee consists of active members driving forward the agenda of the network. The committee members volunteer to meet regularly throughout the year to plan activities and coordinate opportunities to meet the purpose, aim and objectives as outlined in the Terms of Reference. The committee receives support and mentorship from senior sponsors. More details about our committee and sponsors can be found on the BAME Staff Network Intranet page.
How do I get in touch?
Email the Committee at BAMEstaff@lstmed.ac.uk
Membership is open to LSTM staff who identify as BAME. You will have the opportunity to share your views on the role of network, receive details of upcoming events and socials, as well as relevant news, development opportunities, information, LSTM consultations and updates on the work of the committee.
*LSTM recognises that there are many people from ethnic minority communities in the UK and from overseas who do not identify themselves as being Black or Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME), but who because of their ethnic origin, language, culture or religious background share a common experience of discrimination and inequality. We acknowledge the term BAME is limited, however we would encourage anyone who identifies with experiences of racial discrimination to take part and benefit from the network.
Associate membership
We recognise that some staff may want to actively support the activities of the BAME staff network as an associate. For example, you may not identify as BAME, or may identify as BAME without wanting to become a member.
We welcome and value the support of associate members and have developed associate membership to enable all staff with an interest in the aim of the network to be kept up to date with events and activities and channels to support our activities.
I am a student – can I get involved?
Though this is a staff network, we would like to work with the Student Advice and Wellbeing (SAW) team to support the development of student communities and networks that exist with shared aims. Please contact SAW@lstmed.ac.uk(opens in a new tab) for more information.

Black History Month 2020
The LSTM BAME Staff network have collaborated with the University of Liverpool BME network to curate a schedule of Black History Month events accessible to staff and students and are delivering discussion panels with a range of speakers focussed on Black Lives Matter in Health and Higher Education during October and November.