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Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME*) Staff Network

Welcome to our staff led network, raising awareness of race equality across LSTM

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME*) Staff Network

Thank you for your interest in the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Minority Ethnic (BAME*) Staff Network; we offer membership for BAME staff, and for associate staff members. 

We were founded by an active core group of staff in February 2020 and have been eager to expand our membership so that we can be representative of BAME staff voices from across LSTM.

Our aim

To support all UK and International staff that identify as BAME by raising awareness of race equality across LSTM, and to promote the creation of a working and learning environment in which all staff, students, stakeholders, and visitors feel welcome, comfortable, respected and valued.

View our full Terms of Reference to find out about our objectives and what motivates us.


About the committee

The committee consists of active members driving forward the agenda of the network. The committee members volunteer to meet regularly throughout the year to plan activities and coordinate opportunities to meet the purpose, aim and objectives as outlined in the Terms of Reference. The committee receives support and mentorship from senior sponsors. More details about our committee and sponsors can be found on the BAME Staff Network Intranet page.

How do I get in touch?

Email the Committee at BAMEstaff@lstmed.ac.uk