Marcel Martha
Registered Nurse Midwife in charge of the ANC and Labour Ward at Narayi Primary Health Centre, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Science
Years in the role: Six years; 16 years of overall service
Training received through the LSTM Global Fund program:
• ANC & PNC - 2022
• Quality Improvement - 2023
How the training has informed the delivery of your day-to-day services
As a result of the training, I now provide services to my clients in an orderly manner, and I have also updated my knowledge and improved my skills.
How the training has contributed to your professional development
The training has improved my counselling skills and accuracy in completing antenatal cards during client booking. It has also enhanced my skills in using the partograph to inform the delivery process, proper documentation, and prompt client referrals.
Elements of the training you received that were new to you
I developed new knowledge on setting up the quality improvement (QI) committee, checking haemoglobin levels using the relevant equipment, inserting IUCD and implants within 30 minutes to 1 hour after birth, and segregating waste and weighing it before disposal.
Feedback received from the users of the services you provide since the training
Since the training, clients have reported a significant improvement in their rapport with health service providers. This positive feedback is a testament to the effectiveness of the training and our commitment to providing high-quality services.
Changes in the quality of services offered since the training
There has been significant improvement in the quality of care rendered to clients. There has been an increase in ANC attendance, delivery, postnatal care, and outpatient flow. We have also seen notable changes in staff attitudes to work with better coordination and orderliness. The introduction of monthly QI meetings has allowed us to identify gaps and solutions to any quality challenges.