IMPALA is advancing existing scientific knowledge and generating new data and implementable solutions for lung health & TB through a multi-disciplinary collaborative approach. We are delivering our work via eight research projects, three at postdoc level led by five PDRAs and five at PhD level.
The proposed Post-doc projects are:
Research Discipline |
Description |
Post-Doc |
Partner institution, Country |
Integrated Social Sciences & Health Systems |
Integrated approach for improving health services for chronic lung disease in Sudan & Tanzania. This is an action research study using mixed methods approaches and cross-country learning visits that will take place in Gezira State (Sudan) and Mbeya region (Tanzania) involving four study phases. The study has four phases: Phase I will be a baseline assessment of health system readiness for chronic lung diseases, and analysis of existing unpublished data from Sudan; Phase II is an inter-country analysis during which Ministry of Health and research staff from both countries will carry out a learning visit to observe and discuss relevant health systems’ interventions. As part of these two phases, we will also recruit from across catchment communities of selected areas and start reviewing each country’s findings and recommendations from the baseline phase. The knowledge generated by the first two phases will then inform Phase III (intervention design and implementation) and Phase IV (process evaluation of intervention implementation). |
Integrated Clinical Sciences & Health Economics |
Clinical and socio-economic determinants of lung function among infants in Uganda. We will conduct a prospective cohort study examining lung health outcomes among pregnant women and their infants at three health facilities in Kyamulibwa sub-county, Kalungu District rural, Uganda |
Policy / Capacity Research |
Multidisciplinary cross-cutting capacity research project (MUDI). This study will use an integrated model of multidisciplinary implementation research exploring the realities of, and how to foster multidisciplinary working within IMPALA. We will carry out a survey and semi-structured interviews on enablers and barriers to performing multi-disciplinary research within the context of the IMPALA post-doc projects. We will also select specific areas for in-depth exploration across the projects to maximise diversity. The final phase of this project will include understanding and solving barriers to implementing multidisciplinary interactions to improve ongoing programme activities |
The proposed PhD projects are:
Research Discipline |
Description |
PhD student |
Partner institution, Country |
Clinical Sciences |
Is clinician performed ultrasound assessment useful for the acutely breathless adult patients in Kenya? A pilot pragmatic Randomised Controlled Trial |
Jacqueline Wanjiku Kagima |
Social Sciences |
Patient and health worker needs to improve health literacy, effective communication and patient support for adult TB patients and patients with chronic respiratory symptoms in public health facilities in Kampala, Uganda |
Health Systems |
Chronic respiratory symptoms in adults and children in Kenya: how do health systems respond and what are the opportunities for health system strengthening? |
Health Economics |
Assessing the economic burden of non-communicable lung disease and the impact of patient-oriented interventions amongst adults in Malawi |
Policy / Capacity Research |
Evaluating the impact of operational modelling on TB and lung health policy and practice in Sub-Saharan Africa |
Projects under the Auspices
IMPALA has also brought several projects which are beneficial to IMPALA and fit the IMPALA’s applied health disciplinary ethos under its Auspices. These projects are:
Research Discipline |
Description |
Researcher |
Partner institution, Country |
Clinical & Public Health |
Life After Pulmonary TB: an evaluation of lung health, physical and economic morbidity |
Jamilah Meghji |
Wellcome Trust Liverpool-Glasgow Centre for Global Health Research, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK |
Clinical & Public Health |
CAPS Qualitative Study: Exploring the socio-cultural barriers and enablers of a cookstove intervention using participatory methodologies |
Applied Social Sciences |
The 'Safeguarding the Family' study: An investigation of household wellbeing and poverty status for patients with advanced cancer in Blantyre Malawi |
Jane Bates |
College of Medicine, Malawi |
Clinical & Public Health |
Lung health over the life course in Malawi |
MLW, Malawi |
Clinical & Public Health |
Among patients with chronic lung disease, how does severity and progression predict healthcare seeking and treatment? |
Clinical & Public Health |
Lung health in Africa across the life course (LuLi, MRC-funded GCRF) The LuLi GCRF grant includes the following small projects being carried out in 11 partner countries: |
Bertrand Hugo Mbatchou Ngahane
Hervé Lawin |
Douala General Hospital, Cameroon University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin |
Stellah Mpagama |
Kibong’oto Infectious Diseases Hospital, Tanzania |
Brian Allwood | Stellenbosch University, South Africa | |
Adegoke G. Falade |
University of Ibadan, Nigeria Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana |
Amsalu Bekele Binegdie |
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya Epidemiological Laboratory, Sudan |
Rebecca Nightingale | LSTM, UK MLW, Malawi |
William Worodria | Makerere University, Uganda | |
Clinical & Public Health |
Measurement of child and adolescent preference-based health-related quality of life in sub-Saharan Africa |
Lucky Mgwira |
MLW, Malawi |
Clinical & Public Health |
Investigating the exposure of commercial food vendors to biomass fuel smoke in Benin City, Nigeria using a portable carbon monoxide exposure monitor |
Sean Semple |
University of Stirling, UK University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin University of Ibadan, Nigeria |
Clinical & Public Health |
Triage 2 Lung Health Project |
Hastings Banda |