In built monitoring and evaluation will ensure a rigorous framework for assessing the progress and help with making dynamic improvements to the implementation and to assess the overall effectiveness and outcomes of the work.
- In each of the focus countries a health facility assessment of the availability and uptake of ANC and PNC services, with specific focus on HIV, TB and Malaria was conducted at the start of the programme. The HFA identified ‘bottlenecks’ to provision of Quality of Care in ANC and PNC clinics through assessment of availability, functioning and utilization of integrated HIV, TB and malaria services in ANC and PNC clinics in the identified HCF. The findings of the HFA formed a baseline for the implementation of an integrated HIV, TB and malaria services programme in ANC and PNC clinics in HCFs. The HFA baseline reports can for the focus countries can be found here.
- Quarterly Monitoring & Evaluation: Key performance indicators have been developed to monitor the progress of implementation of the programme and deliverables and to assess the overall effectiveness and outcomes of the interventions. Routine data will be collected on a quarterly basis from the focus healthcare facilities in the countries on a quarterly basis. Indicators include number of women attending ANC and PNC, essential screening during ANC and PNC, deliveries, maternal and newborn deaths, integrated HIV, TB, and malaria services and QI activities.