Safeguarding is the responsibility that organisations have, to make sure their staff, operations, and programmes do no harm (Keeping Children Safe, 2020). It is a term used to describe how we protect adults, children and young people from abuse or neglect.
The UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR, 2020), states that the scope of safeguarding includes:
‘any sexual exploitation, abuse or harassment of research participants, communities and research staff, plus any broader forms of violence, exploitation and abuse relevant to research, such as bullying, psychological abuse and physical violence.’
LSTM recognises its role in safeguarding and protecting our staff, students, volunteers and other representatives as well as research participants, patients and communities with whom we have direct and indirect contact through our work.
LSTM has a zero-tolerance policy for staff and organisational representatives committing harm, exploitation, or abuse.
If you wish to raise a safeguarding concern about anyone in this organisation, please use the Vault Open Reporting platform.
- Strategic Safeguarding Policy
- LSTM Code of conduct for staff/students
- Shared principles for safeguarding for joint projects between LSTM and collaborating partners
- Protecting Children & Vulnerable Adults Policy and Procedure V2, 2021
- LSTM Safeguarding Risk Assessment and Mapping Tool (V3 08.02.2022)
- Safeguarding in research training video
Contact us:
LSTM has a designated safeguarding officer who is the first point of contact for safeguarding enquiries or for raising concerns.
Please contact: Ms Philippa Tubb, Designated Safeguarding Officer
Telephone: +44 (0)151 705 3744
Email: safeguarding@lstmed.ac.uk