Improve availability and quality of integrated HIV, TB and malaria services in antenatal and postnatal care in Kaduna and Oyo states in Nigeria.

Project 28 Jan 2022

In 2020 working in cooperation with the State Ministries of Health in Kaduna and Oyo and the State Primary Health Board in Kaduna (SPHCB), LSTM completed the initial phase of an implementation programme to improve availability and quality of integrated HIV, TB and malaria services in antenatal and postnatal care in Kaduna and Oyo states in Nigeria.  

The current  programme aims to build on the achievements of the previous Global Fund  programme and continue the implementation under the leadership of the Ministry of Health in strengthening the provision of services for mothers and babies, and by that contributing to improving the health outcomes in the target states Kaduna and Oyo. Under this programme 410 health workers will be trained in ANC PNC, 120 in QI, and 60 supervisors. There will be 2 QI review meetings with facilities  at 3 and 6 months after QI training. 

More detailed information on the programme "Quality Improvement of Integrated HIV, TB and Malaria Services in ANC & PNC" funded by the Global Fund to Fight HIV, TB, and Malaria with financing from Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited