LSTM’s Centre for Snakebite Research and Interventions (CSRI) has come up with a novel idea to support LSTM’s COVID-19 Response and Resilience Fund with a Race to Malawi Challenge.
This virtual fundraising event, which will be launched on Tuesday 5 May as part of a global initiative called Giving Tuesday Now, challenges teams to walk, jog or cycle the 8,268km from Liverpool to Malawi by collectively logging their daily (socially distanced) exercise. The challenge has also been taken up by members of LSTM's Diagnostic Group
LSTM staff, alumni, and partners are invited to enter a maximum of 15 team members (or multiple teams if higher). Each team is then invited to set up a team fundraising page via JustGiving in support of LSTM, register contact details via fundraising@lstmed.ac.uk and then start clocking up the km and sponsorship.
This is a great opportunity to maintain team morale, support employee wellbeing and to raise money for a great cause.
The event is being organised by Dr Rachel Clare and Charlotte Dawson. Charlotte said “The idea for this came from Colonel Tom Moore's amazing feat - we felt inspired to try and doing something to raise money and then it grew into covering the distance to Malawi! We wanted to raise money for the Response and Resilience Fund as strengthening healthcare capacity for our partners is not only vital during the COVID-19 crisis, but also for the future.”
LSTM’s COVID-19 Response and Resilience Fund was launched to create vital funds that will support Malawi’s health system, enable more cutting-edge research to fight the pandemic now and to help build resilience for the future.
More information about the event and appeal can be found at www.lstmed.ac.uk/fundraising.