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Growing support for LSTM’s COVID-19 Response and Resilience Fund in Malawi

News article 22 Apr 2020

LSTM recently launched the COVID-19 Response and Resilience Fund(opens in a new tab) to raise vital funds to support cutting-edge research and to address the global response to tackle COVID-19.

Our partners in the Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust (MLW) have penned an open letter detailing the difficulties that they are facing within a health system that is already under-resourced. LSTM’s supporters, friends and community of alumni and staff have supported the campaign in the UK. This week, The Dossani Trust and the Gift of the Givers Foundation based in Blantyre, Malawi, were amongst the first supporters of the campaign in-country.

MLW is working with the Malawi Government and other partners at the district and national level to develop innovative ways to shield vulnerable populations and prevent deaths, while MLW’s and LSTM’s in-country researchers and medics are playing a leading role on the front-line.

Across Malawi there is a major shortage of basic PPE, inadequate facilities for or waste disposal and insufficient oxygen provision making the prospect of widespread community transmission of COVID-19 an uphill challenge.

Our teams, both in Malawi and the UK, are continuing to appeal to the local business community in Malawi to support the purchase of basic equipment such as oxygen and basic sanitation for infection prevention and control. This goes hand in hand with work within the community to support public engagement and education work to prevent transmission.

The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging throughout the world, even in the most developed healthcare systems. We can still protect and save lives in Malawi, but it is now a race against time. Please join us in the fight against COVID-19 by donating to the campaign by clicking HERE(opens in a new tab).

Thank you to our supporters here in the UK, and overseas for your support to-date.