Found 116 people
Dr Hugh Adler
Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Clinical Sciences, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Specialty Trainee in Infectious Diseases, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Trust
Professor Stephen Allen
Chair in PaediatricsMB, ChB, FRCPCH, DTM&H, MD
Dr Stephen Aston
Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD FellowMBChB MRCP DTM&H
Dr Michael BJ Beadsworth
Honorary Senior LecturerBSc FRCP, FRCP (E), DTMH, MD
Professor Nick Beeching
Emeritus Professor of Tropical and Infectious DiseasesMA, BM BCh, FRCP, FRACP, FFTM RCPS (Glasg), DCH, DTM&H, Hon FCCP (Sri Lanka), FESCMID
Christine Bradbury
GHTU Research Secretary
Dr Hassan Burhan
Honorary Research Fellow
Andrew Carey
Project Manager
Beatriz Carniel
PhD Student
Dr Maxine Caws
Senior Lecturer