Dr Hassan Burhan

Honorary Research Fellow

I am the Royal Liverpool University Hospital’s respiratory department research lead. I also lead the Liverpool Severe Asthma Service and act as the Vasculitis lead for the North West Severe Asthma Service. I am UK CI for 3 large commercial asthma service and PI for several other commercial and academic studies.

I have a long standing interest in heroin smoking related lung disease and have orchestrated a Liverpool CCG funded (LCCG grant: £87,000) screening study of all heroin smokers in shared care (817 people) - manuscript in press. I am currently completing a project aiming to bridge the gap between the substance misuse clinics and community based COPD service (Health Foundation Grant: £74,000).  

I have invested some of our department’s commercial research income, in collaboration with Kevin Mortimer, in funding a PhD student whom I currently jointly supervise. As part of her PhD, our student has repeated spirometry in the cohort diagnosed with COPD to ascertain the rate of decline of lung function in heroin smokers. She will also explore this group’s difficulties in accessing healthcare.

The aim is to develop a portfolio of work with a common theme: increasing access to healthcare in non-communicable respiratory disease in the UK and Africa.

I have been working closely with the Daniela Ferreria’s EHPC group at LSTM and continue to provide clinical cover for participants in their studies. I ensure on-going funding for and provide clinical supervision for an RLUH funded Clinical Fellow that works primarily with the EHPC group.

Current affiliation

Daniela Ferreria, Andrea Collins and the EHPC team: Supporting the EHPC programme through provide clinical input and support for study participants.

Kevin Mortimer and Jamie Rylance: Developing research themes and proposals to address health inequality and variances in access to healthcare in Liverpool.

Selected publications

  1. ‘Screening Heroin Smokers attending Community Drug Services for COPD’ Burhan H, Young R, Byrne T, Peat R, Furlong J, Renwick S, Elkin T, Oelbaum S, Walker P CHEST (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2018.08.1049.
  2. ‘Hospital readmissions with exacerbation of obstructive pulmonary disease in illicit drug smokers’ Yadavilli R, Collins A, Ding WY, Garner N, Williams J, Burhan H. Lung. 2014;192(5): 669-73. doi:10.1007/s00408-014-9632-3.
  3. ‘Valsalva manoeuvre effect on distribution of lung damage in heroin inhalation’ Prowse SJ , Lima T, Irion KL, Burhan H, Hochhegger B, Marchiori E. British Journal of Radiology, 84(2011), e200-e201 
  4. ‘Dental workers’ pneumoconiosis complicated by Mycobacterium aviumintacellulare complex (MAIC) infection’ Collins A, Burhan H, Davies P Occup Environ Med 2010.057778
  5.  ‘Management of cystic fibrosis related diabetes: A survey of UK cystic fibrosis centers’ Mohan K, Miller H, Burhan H, Ledson MJ, Walshaw MJ Pediatric Pulmonology 2008 Jul;43(7):642-7
  6.  P198 ‘Anchoring COPD screening to drug services in heroin and crack smokers to improve diagnosis’ Peat R, Furlong J, Byrne T, Young R, Kangombe A, Elkin T, Renwick S, Russell D, Oelbaum S, Burhan H, Walker PP Thorax Dec 2016, 71 (Suppl 3) A192; doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2016-209333.341