LUTH is an 800 bedded tertiary referral hospital with different specialties located in Lagos. It serves Lagos State, with a population of about 25 million, and surrounding states. The Paediatrics Department houses the Neonatal sub-specialty.
Neonatology Unit has a capacity to admit 80 newborns at once in the inborn and outborn wards. LUTH has an annual delivery rate of about 2500 deliveries and a large referral of about 200 neonates per month into our outborn unit. We encourage family oriented care with facilities for KMC.

The Neonatology unit staff composition:
Consultant Neonatologists
Resident doctors, Intern house officers
Nurses, Support staff, and access to all other subspecialties in LUTH
Equipment include:
Incubators, Phototherapy devices, including Bilirubinometer and Irradiometer machines
Multiparameter monitors and Pulse oximeters
Apnoea monitors, Piped air/oxygen, blood gas analyzer
Bubble CPAP machine with blenders and high flow facility