The proposed project, jointly developed by the LSTM and by Wellbeing Foundation (WBF), supports the Ministry of Health (MoH) in enhancing the capacity of health workers in Life-Saving Skills (LSS) in Essential Obstetric Care and Newborn Care, data collection and its use as well as quality improvement methodologies in four LGAs in Kwara State. Twelve BEmOC and CEmOC health care facilities in four local government areas will receive all the interventions in a stepwise manner by the end of the 24-month project.
Below are the expected outputs of the project.
- 120 health workers providing MNH services will be trained in EOC&NC as well as four HR coordinators and four medical school lecturers.
- 24 health workers providing MNH health services will be trained in Mentorship and supportive supervision of EmONC and four HR coordinators.
- 16 health workers providing MNH services will be trained as Trainers of EOC&NC training and four medical school lecturers.
- 40 health care managers and health workers providing MNH services will be trained in collection, use of data and QI methodology.