Sean Tomlinson

I obtained my B.Sc. and MBio. in Biomedical Science at the University of Lincoln, UK (2012-2016). At Lincoln my interest in Molecular Biology and translational research was founded, leading me to take on elective research projects throughout my studies. 

I joined the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Lancaster University in September, 2016 on the MRC Doctoral Training Partnership and look forward to working on my project: Genomics and Transcriptomics of Insecticide Resistance in Anopheles Gambiae. 

In addition to research, I have a keen interest in public engagement in science, and was the founder of the Lincoln branch of Café Scientique. I hope to attend similar events whilst studying with LSTM. Outside of research, my interests mainly consist of outdoor activities, such as SCUBA diving, fishing, hiking and travelling. 

LSTM Profile
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