Quantifying the impact of insecticide resistance on disease control programmes is critically important but the large number of confounding factors make this difficult to achieve in practice. A recent review in Trends in Parasitology outlines some of the associated challenges and current approaches being applied.
Examples of ongoing projects within the Vector Department include:
- Malaria in Insecticide Resistance Africa (MIRA)
- Program for Resistance, Immunology and Surveillance of Malaria (PRISM)
- Impacts of insecticide resistance project
- Investigating impact of insecticide resistance and immune system on Plasmodium falciparum development in the major malaria vector Anopheles funestus in Cameroon
- Impact of insecticide resistance on mosquito's sialome and its effect on vectorial capacity of main African malaria vectors
- Impact of Insecticide Resistance in Anopheles gambiae on mosquito behavior and fitness PhD studentship Angela Hughes, supervised by Professor Hilary Ranson and Professor Philip McCall
- The impact of insecticide resistance and exposure on Plasmodium infection level and prevalence in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. Wellcome Trust Intermediate Fellowship Luc Djogbenou.
- Assessment of the role of non-insecticide agrochemicals in selecting resistance to insecticides in the principal malaria vector Anopheles gambiae Wellcome Trust Intermediate Fellowship, Dr Mouhamadou Chouaïbou