I am a Consultant Neonatologist; I used to work at Massey Street Children’s Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria but now I work with the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Lagos, Nigeria - teaching resident doctors in-training in addition to my clinical duties.
I was awarded the Thomas Mark Scholarship to undertake an MSc in Tropical Paediatrics at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. I graduated with a Merit in 2019. I undertook the MSc to improve my clinical research and academic writing skills.
- Matthew Lukwiya Prize (2019) for the highest dissertation mark in the Masters in Tropical Paediatrics programme
- John Hay Prize (2019) for the highest overall marks on the Masters in Tropical Paediatrics programme
- Ken Newell Bursary Award (which is being used to fund the QI project)
Quality Improvement Project
Since returning to work in September 2019, I have been working on the implementation of the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for feeding preterm and very-low-birthweight (VLBW) infants in LASUTH. I have trained doctors and nurses in the inborn and out-born sections of the hospital Neonatal Unit on the WHO feeding guidelines which are now being used in the care of preterm and VLBW newborns in the hospital. The trainings included review of evidence; the use of Evidence to Practice Framework in making recommendations as well as a revision of fluid and electrolyte therapy in the newborn period.
For the QI project, I wish to evaluate the effect of the change in feeding practice on the clinical outcomes (time to full enteral feeds, time to regain birth weight, length of hospital stay and mortality) of the preterm VLBW infants in LASUTH, by comparing data from 2 years before (October 2017 - September 2019) and 1 year after (October 2019 - September 2020) implementation of the guidelines.