Found 64 people
Dr Emily Adams
Reader in Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases -
Dr Hugh Adler
Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Clinical Sciences, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Specialty Trainee in Infectious Diseases, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Trust -
Dr Stephen Aston
Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD FellowMBChB MRCP DTM&H -
Dr Diepreye Ayabina
Post-Doctoral Research Associate -
Professor Nick Beeching
Emeritus Professor of Tropical and Infectious DiseasesMA, BM BCh, FRCP, FRACP, FFTM RCPS (Glasg), DCH, DTM&H, Hon FCCP (Sri Lanka), FESCMID -
Professor Giancarlo Biagini
Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and InnovationBSc (Hons) PhD -
Annie Blizard
Research Assistant -
Dr Alastair Breen
Post-Doctoral Research Associate – Medicinal Chemist -
Beatriz Carniel
PhD Student -
Dr Maxine Caws
Senior Lecturer