I am Maria Angelica Rweyemamu a lecturer at the University of Dodoma Tanzania. I am an Obstetrician and Gynecologist. I am the Head of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the school and Medicine and Dentistry. I am a practitioner at the Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital and two other tertiary teaching hospitals in Iringa and Dodoma regions.
I am passionate about maternal health and training of health care workers in this field. I aspire to broaden my knowledge and skills in research and policy engagement related to quality improvement and integration of infectious diseases in reproductive and child health.
My area of interest is in Effective Coverage of Antenatal Care in Tanzania: A Situation Analysis and Evaluation of Specific Package of Interventions.
Tanzania has struggled over the years to meet global and national targets in maternal and child health. One out of 200 pregnant women in Tanzania is at risk of death during pregnancy, childbirth and post-delivery. More than 80% of the antenatal and postnatal care services are provided at the primary level of health care yet effective coverage of services at these levels is still low. Tanzania has managed to achieve integration of malaria services in antenatal and postnatal care, integration of HIV and TB is still a challenge.
My PhD research will help to shade more light on the situation of Antenatal care specific packages in Tanzania. It will evaluate the impact of the programme in improving effective coverage of antenatal care. I will also assess the extent of adoption of the WHO 2016 Antenatal Care Guidelines into the Tanzania 2018 Antenatal Care Guidelines. My PhD research will build on the current knowledge and help to improve the quality of care during antenatal care and postnatal care, in turn improve maternal and child health.
I look forward to the experience of my training and the contribution my PhD will bring to improving the lives of women and mothers in Tanzania.