Quality Improvement of Integrated HIV, TB and Malaria Services in ANC & PNC

A programme funded by the Global Fund to Fight HIV, TB, and Malaria with funding from Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited

Quality Improvement of Integrated HIV, TB and Malaria Services in ANC & PNC

Project 29 Jan 2022

The Takeda Initiative is a 15-year financial aid programme designed to develop and strengthen the capacity of healthcare workers in partnership with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Launched in 2010, the first phase of the initiative boosted malaria prevention in Tanzania with the distribution of mosquito nets, accelerated access to TB treatment in Kenya, and expanded HIV services and awareness in Nigeria.

Starting 2020 and with LSTM as implementation partner, the second phase of the Takeda initiative focuses on improving maternal and child health by integrating quality HIV, TB, and malaria services in antenatal and postnatal care in Kenya, Nigeria, and Tanzania.


In line with the Global Fund Strategy 2017-2022 to invest in building sustainable and resilient systems for health (or “RSSH”), and working closely with the relevant Ministries of Health (MoH) and country partners, this 5-year programme (2020 – 2024) will adapt, implement, document and disseminates innovative approaches to improving the screening, testing and treatment of HIV, TB and malaria in ANC and PNC and improve integrated service delivery at facility and community levels.

The programme aligns to existing health systems, increasing capacity-building across all levels and providing support via interventions and technical assistance, as well as generating evidence to inform decision-making and policymaking. Building on the foundations from completed programmes in Afghanistan, Chad, Ghana, Nigeria, Togo and Tanzania, the programme incorporates the lessons learned and experiences to improve and further develop this programme.

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