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An Antibiotic Apocalypse at LSTM

Project 22 Mar 2023

In partnership Everton in The Community (EITC) LSTM welcomed 39 students from three high schools across the Merseyside area, Litherland High, Maricourt and Savio Salesian College to take part in an exercise entitled ‘antibiotic apocalypse’, in which the students were transported to the year 2040 where there is a shortage of much-needed antibiotics. The exercise was facilitated by Dame Sally Davies, the UK Special Envoy on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Dr Adam Roberts, Reader in Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and Resistance at LSTM. 

Students were set into groups of five, with each group representing communities such as politicians, farmers and veterinarians, and patient groups. Each group was tasked with distributing the remaining 100,000 antibiotics and explaining their reasoning behind it.