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Thais Caprioli

Programme Coordinator - Tropical Disease Biology

Thaïs obtained her BSc in Physiotherapy from Cardiff University in 2015 and completed an MSc in International Public Health at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in 2018. As part of her research project, Thaïs explored and quantified the socio-economic impact of providing care to patients with lymphatic filariasis (LF) or podoconiosis related lymphoedema in rural Ethiopia.

In 2018, Thaïs joined the Centre of Neglected Tropical Disease (CNTD) as a research assistant working on a desk-based data analysis and mapping of filariasis and water and sanitation. The DFID funded and consortium led Ascend West and Central Africa programme was launched in 2019. Thaïs is a project manager for the programme, and she assists with the implementation of Mass Drug Administration and LF Morbidity Management Disability Prevention activities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). She has oversight of the implementation and ensures it aligns with WHO guidelines, and provides technical assistance as required. Thaïs is also the technical advisor for patient care for LF MMDP activities across the consortium.