LSTM developed 7 RMNCAH modules (antenatal care, care during labour and delivery, emergency obstetric and newborn care, postnatal care, family planning, adolescent sexual and reproductive health and nutrition) based on the basic package of essential health services (BPEHS) to improve reproductive, maternal, newborn, adolescent and child health (RMNCAH) services.
An innovative flexible delivery approach was used to deliver all modules with minimal compromise of services.
- developed and printed training manuals in collaboration with Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation
- Established 200 training sites, equipped with training equipment and teaching aids
- Developed tools for supportive supervision and mentoring
- Trained 360 Master trainers and supportive supervisors
- provided training for 2000 health workers
- evaluated the effectiveness of the interventions
Kenya Pre-service EmOC Training Interventions (PETI) study ISRCTN74563398
Phase 1: UNICEF Sierra Leone. 2014-2016
Phase 2: Johnson and Johnson USA. 2016-2018