2020 LIV-TB Schedule

Thursday 10th December 2020 

Diagnostic algorithms with CRP as a screening test for TB in Nigeria.  

Virtual Session 12.00pm-1.00pm, LSTM 

Professor Luis Cuevas . LSTM

Thursday 15th October 2020 

Leaving no-one behind: Transforming gender pathways to health for TB. Introducing the LIGHT Research Programme.

Virtual Session 1.00pm-2.00pm, LSTM 

Rachelle Harris & Kerry Millington  


Thursday 17th September 2020

Developing new tools to facilitate precision targeting of preventative therapy for TB. 

Virtual Session 1.00pm-2.00pm, LSTM

Dr Rishi Gupta, Respiratory SpR &NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow, UCL


Thursday 17th September 2020

HIV associated M.tuberculosis blood stream infection 

Virtual Session 12.00pm-1.00pm, LSTM

David Barr, ID SpR and NIHR ACL, UoL, Honorary Clinical Lecturer, LSTM, Honorary Research Associate, IDM, UCT    
Thursday 3rd September 2020

Modelling a decentralised treatment management strategy for people with mutidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)

Virtual Session 12.30pm-1.30pm, LSTM

Mendy Jin, Business analytics student, Lancaster University
Thursday 20th August 2020

Estimating catastrophic costs due to pulmonary tuberculosis in Bangladesh 

Virtual Session 12.30pm-1.30pm, LSTM

Dr Jahangir Khan & Dr Sayem Ahmed, Health Economists, LSTM 

Thursday 16th July 2020

What happens next? The importance of post-TB wellbeing. 

Virtual Session 12.30pm-1.30pm, LSTM

Dr Jamilah Meghji, Respiratory SpR and MRC Skills Development Fellow, LSTM

Thursday 18th June

TB: translating insights into tools to tackle disease   

Virtual Session 12.30pm-1.30pm, LSTM

Dr Naomi Walker, Consultant physician and honorary senior clinical lecturer, LSTM 
 Thursday 21st May 

A pragmatic randomised study to optimise screening, prevention and care for tuberculosis in Malawi (PROSPECT) 

Virtual Session  12.30pm-1.30pm, LSTM

Dr Peter MacPherson, Reader MLW/LSTM
 Wednesday 12th April 

Is active case finding an effective strategy to reduce the economic impact of tuberculosis on households in Nepal? Evidence from the IMPACT TB longitudinal costing survey.

Virtual Session 12.00pm-1.00pm, LSTM

Mr Bhola Rai, BNMT, Kritika Dixit, BNMT, Noemia Texeira de Siqueira-Filha, LSTM 
Friday 28th February 

Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in Uzbekistan: The role of MSF and the challenges of conducting a large, randomised control trial (TBPRACTECAL) in a LMIC setting. 

Nuffield Lecture Theatre 1-2pm, LSTM

Dr Ffion Carlin, University College London, Institute of Global health Dept of Infectious diseases, HIV & sexual health
Thursday 20th February 

Universal health coverage, socioeconomic status and the care-seeking of people with TB. 

CTID Boardroom 12.30pm-1.30pm, LSTM

Chu-Chang Ku, Research Associate, University of Sheffield
Thursday 16th January

Intracellular Pharmacodynami (PDi) based modelling for the prediction of drug activity against TB.

CTID Boardroom 1.00-2.00pm, LSTM

Samantha Donnellan and Ghaith Aljayyussi, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine