Safeguarding information point
Welcome to LSTM’s Safeguarding Information Point (SIP). This is a resource/training point that all organisations can freely access.
The resources and training links are grouped under some key headings to help you find information quickly.
If you have some useful resources in your organisation that you’d like to share, we’d be happy to add them to this information point, we are particularly interested in adding resources from our global partners across the world.
Please email us with any examples you would like to share to: safeguarding@lstmed.ac.uk
Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH)
The Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub (RSH), is an excellent resource, which aims to support organisations in the development sector to strengthen their safeguarding policy and practice against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEAH). They have a huge number of resources and useful information on their website
CHS Alliance PSEA Handbook
CHS Alliance Guidelines for SEA investigations
Humentum PSEAH Initiative
UK Strategy: Safeguarding Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment within the Aid Sector
Child Protection
UK Government - Working Together to safeguard children
National Society for the Protection of cruelty to children (NSPCC) Safeguarding children and child protection
UNICEF - Preventing and responding to violence against children and adolescents
UNICEF - Child safeguarding toolkit
UN - Ending violence against children 2030
Keeping Children Safe. International child safeguarding standards
Safeguarding vulnerable adults
UK Government - Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act
NHS - Abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults
NHS – safeguarding adults pocket guide
Age UK – Adult Safeguarding Policy position paper (Nov 2018)
AGE UK – Safeguarding older people from abuse and neglect (Dec 2019)
Safeguarding in Developmental Research
UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR)
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Preventing harm in research
B Aktar et al. How to prevent and address safeguarding concerns in global health research programmes: practice, process and positionality in marginalised spaces. BMJ Global Health Vol 5 (5) May 2020.
Modern Slavery Resources
UK Government: Modern slavery
Anti-slavery: Slavery in the UK
Safeguarding Hub: Modern Slavery – an introduction
Gender based violence resources
Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Gender Based Violence guidelines
WHO Clinical management of rape and intimate partner violence survivors
Preventing sexual exploitation and abuse
Disaster Ready
Disaster ready provides over 1000 free online learning resources for humanitarian/development settings. You can create a free account with them and then you are able to access all of their training courses.
- Introduction to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse – Interaction (requires free registration on Disaster Ready).
- Bystanders Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse – Darkness to Light (requires free registration on Disaster Ready).
- Mainstreaming Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Prevention and Response (requires free registration on Disaster Ready).
- No excuse for abuse: Preventing sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian action.
Child Protection
Child Safeguarding – Save the Children (requires free registration on Disaster Ready).
Vulnerable Adults
Understanding older people and their needs in a humanitarian context (requires free registration on Disaster Ready).
International Resources
This section is still under development and we will be adding examples of resources from countries around the world.