13th December |
Drug repositioning for tuberculosis: old drugs, new uses? |
Dr Antonina Wasuna, Post-doctoral researcher, University of Cape Town |
13th December |
Host microbiome interactions in chronic lung disease |
Prof James Chalmers, Chair of Respiratory Research, University of Dundee |
16th November |
Global political leadership to end TB: a report from the UNHLM |
The Rt Hon Nick Herbert CBE MP, followed by a Q&A |
18th October |
Time-to-event outcomes in clinical trials of tuberculosis treatment |
Dr Laura Bonnett, Department of Biostatistics, University of Liverpool, UK |
20th September |
The UN high level meeting on TB: a unique opportunity to end the epidemic |
Dr Tom Wingfield, Clinical Lecturer, LIV-TB lead, University of Liverpool & LSTM |
22nd August |
The epidemiology of Aspergillosis in LMICS : what do we know and where are the gaps |
Prof David Denning, National Aspergillosis Center, University of Manchester, UK |
19th July | Studying the intrapulmonary pharmacology and immunology of tuberculosis therapy in Malawi CTID Board room 2-3pm, LSTM |
Dr Andrew McCallum, Clinical PhD fellow, Wellcome Trust Liverpool Glasgow, Centre for Global Health Research |
14 June | Tuberculosis contact tracing in London CTID Board room 2-3pm, LSTM |
Dr Sean Cavany, Post-doctoral scientists, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine |
17th May | IMPALA: The next big eye deer in Lung Health and TB CTID Board room 2-3pm, LSTM |
Dr Kevin Mortimer , Reader in Respiratory Medicine, LSTM |
19th April | Screening for latent TB infection in people living with HIV : guidelines versus real-world practice in a UK HIV centre CTID Board room 2-3pm, LSTM |
Dr Steven Aston, NIHR Clinical Lecturer, IGH, University of Liverpool |
15th March | Genetic diversity helps detect recent tuberculosis transmission CTID Board room 2-3pm, LSTM |
Dr Preye Ayabina, Research Assistant, LSTM |
15th February | An update on the prevention and cure of tuberculosis in children CTID Board room 2-3pm, LSTM |
Dr Paddy McMaster, Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases. |
18th January | The health economics analysis and an update on the STREAM study CTID Board room 2-3pm, LSTM |
Laura Rosu, Health Economist, LSTM |