2nd virtual Symposium on Global Health Research and Vaccination

Event 1 May 2020

Please join us for LSTM's 2nd virtual symposium on Global Health Research & Vaccination ahead of the UK government hosting of Gavi's third donor pledging conference on 4 June 2020


Speakers, presentations and panelists from DFID, Gavi, Wellcome, LSTM, University of Liverpool and the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Malawi.

More information on the programme to be released soon. Registration via events@lstmed.ac.uk

Missed the first virtual symposium? You can read about it and watch it here (news article) and here (blog entry)



Professor David Lalloo, Director LSTM

Opening remarks

Rt Hon Wendy Morton MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State & Minister for European Neighbourhood and the Americas


Dr Antara Sinha, Senior Executive Officer and Public Health expert, Gavi


Symposium Chair - Professor Sally Theobald, LSTM

Presentation 1

Dr Janice Cooper, Carter Centre, Liberia &


Dr Haja Wurie, Dean College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences,

Sierra Leone

‘Growing community health systems: Every day resilience in times of crisis’

Presentation 2

Dr Rachael Thomson, LSTM & COUNTDOWN (Calling time on Neglected Tropical Diseases)

‘Leaving no-one behind: Applied Health Research on Neglected Tropical Diseases and health systems strengthening’

Presentation 3

Professor Melita Gordon, University of Liverpool

‘Typhoid vaccine trials and implementation in LMIC’

Panellists discussion, reflection on presentations & response to questions

Dr Jeremiah Chakaya, Respiratory Society of Kenya & IMPALA (International Multi-disciplinary Programme to Address Lung Health in Africa)

Dr Queen Dube, Head of Paediatrics, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Malawi

Sir Jeremy Farrar, Director, Wellcome Trust (TBC)

Closing remarks

Professor Bertie Squire, Dean of Clinical Sciences & International Public Health, LSTM