LSTM’s Professor Richard Pleass has been interviewed by ProteoGenix about how his ground-breaking work leveraging the Fc region of antibodies could be applied to the mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fascinated from an early age by the impact of parasites on the human immune system, Professor Pleass has made remarkable contributions to the design of new immunotherapies, vaccines and related research tools.
In the interview he talks about the work that he is carrying out at LSTM as well as the potential of antibody therapy being used as a means to disrupt the current global pandemic.
He explains antibodies are powerful molecules that protect us from dangerous organisms that cause disease and explains that their advantage lies in the fact that they can be readily manufactured for high affinity and selectivity, meaning that they are less likely to have unwanted side-effects.
Professor Pleass said: “Antibodies, whether they be in diagnostics or therapeutics will make a significant contribution to the design of effective control strategies for COVID-19. At the time of writing, they can’t come soon enough!”
You can read the whole article here.