09:30-10:00am |
Registration & welcome reception
10:00-10:10am |
Welcome and Introduction from Professor Louise Kenny, Executive Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Liverpool
10:10-10:20am |
Dr Fiona Marston, Director, CEIDR Innovations Professor Daniela Ferreira, Professor in Respiratory Infection and Vaccine development and the Head of the Department of Clinical Sciences, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine CEIDR Innovations working in partnership with The Centre of Excellence in Infectious Diseases Research
10:20-10:50am |
Chaired by Dr Fiona Marston
Keynote address by: Dr Catherine Kettleborough, Head of Biology, Associate Director, LifeArc
One Health Chaired by Professor Matthew Baylis, Executive Dean, Ecology, Infection and Veterinary Sciences, University of Liverpool
Professor Neil French, Professor of Infectious Diseases and Global Health, UOL and Hon. Consultant Infectious Diseases Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospitals Trust Creating and using vaccines, industry-academic partnerships
Dr Joseph Turner,Reader in Infection Biology at The Centre for Drugs and Diagnostics, Department of Tropical Disease Biology, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Next-generation anti-Wolbachia drugs for the treatment of human and veterinary filariasis |
11:30-12:30pm |
Speed Networking |
12:30-1:30pm |
Lunch including poster presentations and photography competition viewing
1:30-2:00pm |
Chaired by Dr Fiona Marston Keynote address by Jonathan O’Halloran, Founder and CEO, QuantuMDx Group Ltd Q-POC and the Innovation Rollercoaster!
2:00-2:40pm |
Drug Discovery & Diagnostics Chaired by Professor Giancarlo Biagini, Professor and Deputy Head of Parasitology, Tropical Disease Biology, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Dr Emily Adams, Senior Lecturer, Research Centre for Drugs and Diagnostics, Tropical Diseases Biology, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Development and evaluation of diagnostics for global health – partnering with industry
Dr Adam Roberts, Reader in Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and Resistance, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Drug design informed by the Evolutionary Biology of Resistance
Professor Richard Pleass Professor of Parasitology, Tropical Disease Biology, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Engineering glycosylation variants into human IgG1-Fc for enhanced therapeutic efficacy |
2:40-3:40pm |
Speed Networking
Coffee Break including poster presentations and photography competition viewing
Accelerating Development Chaired by Professor William Hope, Professor of Therapeutics and Infectious Diseases, University of Liverpool
Dr Shampa Das, Senior Lecturer, Antimicrobial Pharmacodynamics and Therapeutics, University of Liverpool Dose selection for novel antibacterial developments
Professor Daniela FerreiraProfessor in Respiratory Infection and Vaccine development and the Head of the Department of Clinical Sciences, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Human infection challenge models for product development
Dr Richard FitzGerald, CRF Director, NIHR Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen Clinical Research Facility, Consultant Physician, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics / General Medicine, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Molecular & Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool Early Clinical Development: How do we make it faster and easier to do? |
4:50-5:00pm |
Announcement of Photography Competition Winner Lisa Baldwin, Business Development Manager, CEIDR Innovations Closing remarks and thanks from Professor David Lalloo, Director, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine |
5:00-6:00pm |
Drinks reception