Mansour W, Theobald S, Fouad F, Than K, Baba A, Raven J. The urgent struggle for health justice in Gaza: A crisis of human rights and inequity. Editorial. Int J Health Plann Manage. 2024 Dec 11. doi: 10.1002/hpm.3882.
Alkhaldi M, Asi Y, AlBada M, Mansour W. Rethinking and advancing the movement of resistance, activism, and advocacy in health in four central arenas of the Middle East Region. World Medical & Health Policy. 2024, 1–17.
Raven J, Mansour W, Aikins M, Bulthuis S, Chikaphupha K, Dieleman M, et al. From PERFORM to PERFORM2Scale: lessons from scaling-up a health management strengthening intervention to support Universal Health Coverage in three African countries. Health Policy Plan. 2024 Sep 10;39(8):841-853. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czae063.
Yamout R, Mansour W, Abou Saad M, Khalil J, Fouad F, Raven J. Refugee women in the informal health sector in Lebanon: Gendered experiences of close to community healthcare providers during the COVID-19 response. SSM - Health Systems. 2024;(3):100013.
Mansour W. No health without peace: Health justice in armed conflict settings – a blog post. Health Systems Global TWGFCAS and ReBUILD for Resilience. June 2024.
Kallon, L.H., Raven, J., Wurie, H.R. Mansour W. From policy to practice: a qualitive study exploring the role of community health workers during the COVID-19 response in Sierra Leone. BMC Health Serv Res 23, 1228 (2023).
Martineau, T., Mansour, W., Dieleman, M. et al. Using the integration of human resource management strategies at district level to improve workforce performance: analysis of workplan designs in three African countries. Hum Resour Health 21, 57 (2023).
Bulthuis S, Kok M, Onvlee O, O’Byrne T, Amon S, Namakula J, Chikaphupha K, Gerold J, Mansour W., Raven J., et al. How to scale-up: a comparative case study of scaling up a district health management strengthening intervention in Ghana, Malawi and Uganda. BMC Health Serv Res. 2023:23(35)
Raven J, Arjyal A, Baral S, Chand O, Hawkins K, Kallon L, Mansour W, Parajuli A, Than KK, Wurie H, et al. The Gendered Experience of Close to Community Providers during COVID-19 Response in Fragile Settings: A Multi-Country Analysis. Social Sciences. 2022.11:415.
Ho L, Bertone M, Mansour W, et al. Health system resilience during COVID-19: understanding sexual and reproductive health service adaptation in North Kivu. Reproductive Health;2022,19:135.
Martineau T, Ozano K, Raven J, Mansour W, Bay F, Nkhoma D, Badr E, Baral S, Regmi S, Caffrey M. Improving health workforce governance: the role of multistakeholder coordination mechanisms and human resources for health units in ministries of health. Hum Resour Health, 20, 47,2022.
Mansour W, Arjyal A, Hughes C, Gbaoh ET, Fouad MF, et al. Health systems resilience in fragile and shock-prone settings through the prism of gender equity and justice: implications for research, policy and practice. Confl Health. 16,7;(2022).
Mansour WA, Elsayed O, Mansour W. Chapter 2: Strengthening Public Health Response to COVID-19 through Policy Learning and Policy Transfer. In book: Societal Resilience and Response to Contagious Diseases and Pandemics. March 2022.
Elsayed O, Mansour W. Chapter 3: Digital Transformation and Health Systems Performance in Global Settings During COVID-19. In book: Societal Resilience and Response to Contagious Diseases and Pandemics. March 2022.
Raven J, Aikins M, Banda H, Bulthuis S, Chikaphupha K, Dieleman M, Huff S, Kok M, Mansour W, O’Byrne T, Onvlee O, Ssengooba F, Wyss K, Martineau T. Synthesis report. 2022. PERFORM2Scale. LSTM. Available at:
Mansour W, Karemani A, Martineau T, Namakula J, Mubiri P, Ssengooba F, Raven J. Management of Human Resources for Health in Health Districts in Uganda: A Decision Space Analysis. Int J Health Plann Mgmt.2021;37(2):770-789.
Mansour W, Boyd A, Walshe K. National accreditation programmes for hospitals in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: case studies from Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon. Int J Health Plann Mgmt. 2021;36(5):1500- 1520.
Mansour W and Chand O. How can we conduct disability-inclusive health system research? Blog post. March 2021. ReBUILD for Resilience. LSTM. Available at:
Mansour W, Boyd A, Walshe K. The development of hospital accreditation in low- and middle-income countries: a literature review, Health Policy and Planning,2020;35(6): 684–700,
Raven J, Mansour W, Murphy R and Martineau T. (2019). Interim progress report on scale-up processes. Briefing paper. Available on:
Tantawy A, Von Mackensen S, El-Laboudy M, Labib J, Moftah F, El-Telbany M, Mansour W. Health-Related Quality of Life in Egyptian Children and Adolescents with Hemophilia A. 2011. Paediatric Haematology and Oncology; 28(3):222-9.