LSTM Seminar: Mark Taylor, Head of Impact at NIHR on 'Impact Assessment - A Funders Overview'

Event 14 Nov 2019

This introductory summary will be looking at impact assessment from a broader view than the current REF exercise. The seminar will touch on some of the methodologies used and the direction of travel from an NIHR perspective. This is the first of four seminars over the coming months.

Mark Taylor, Head of Impact, Central Commissioning Facility, National Institute for Health Research; England

Mark has worked as a researcher at Merck, in technology transfer at Oxford University Innovation, a venture capitalist at 3i and looking at organisational / cultural change at the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement. After managing the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre he then joined NIHR looking at intellectual property issues in 2012 before being asked to help NIHR's Central Commissioning Facility (CCF) consider issues around impact evaluation and assessment since 2015.

Mark has completed a post graduate diploma at the Said Business School and a postgraduate certificate in Health Technology Assessment at the University of Sheffield. He is currently working on helping CCF staff to be more impact savvy while canvassing opinion from Universities and the NHS on what impact might be in terms of patient benefit and how we might measure/describe it.

Mark works part time and has been a Trustee for the MS Society and briefly at Asthma UK.  He is currently on the BMJ’s Patient Panel. Mark has had relapsing remitting MS since forever. His L1/L2 lesion was more of a surprise. In his spare time he volunteers for parkrun.

This seminar will be livestreamed and a recording will be made available the following day