LSTM collaborative Photovoice exhibition at the Fabric District Festival 2019

News article 6 Jun 2019

This weekend sees a celebration of LSTM’s local area at the Fabric District Arts Festival, with a number of art and fashion events – including LSTM’s collaborative Photovoice exhibition.

LSTM previously collaborated with Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) School of Art and Design and the Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene to put together an innovative Photovoice exhibition at the Health Systems Research 2018 symposium. A participatory research method in which people take photographs to document their own lives Photovoice was a great success. Organiser Jane Ardrey said: “Through sharing and discussing images, Photovoice participants communicate their knowledge and expertise about issues that matter to them. Displaying Photovoice images publicly opens up opportunities for positive change and recognizes the strength of marginalised people.”

The exhibition showcases 31 research studies from 30 researchers and images show health challenges in nine African countries, four Indian states, Nepal, Mexico, Canada, Greece and Jordan, the United States and the UK. The wide range of health issues includes mental health, palliative care, maternal health, child disability, lung health, alcohol, and drug abuse and water-borne diseases. The positive role of community health workers in low resource settings is highlighted by several studies. Previous visitors to the exhibition (at HSR2018) commented: ‘I love this method, it is a great way to make results of research visual. it is very confronting sometimes. It really stays with you!’ and ‘Photovoice gives a voice to the voiceless. So, it’s a powerful representation of the challenges often marginalised people face.’

It is hoped that it will provide the opportunity for the local community to learn more about the lived experience, and the strengths and challenges of residents of some of the countries LSTM works in. This Photovoice exhibition also highlights how working in partnership with disadvantaged communities is key to improving global health.

Photovoice will be exhibited at the Brain Charity on Norton Street, L3 8LR, as part of the Fabric District Festival 2019. Opening times are Friday evening from 16:00-21:00, Saturday from 09:30- 17:00 and Sunday 09:00-17:00. More information about the festival is available on the website.