Against the backdrop of more than 2000 international delegates meeting in Liverpool to discuss health systems research, LSTM has launched a new flagship MSc in Global Health. The programme is supported by LSTM’s vision of decreasing the disease burden in resource poor settings through research, education and building capacity, contributing to the global health agenda articulated in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Michael Lurie, LSTM’s Director of International Education, said: “LSTM’s vision of developing the next generation of global health leaders is underpinned by this flagship programme. Its design and format are driven by employer feedback on the required global health skills and competencies. The programme’s blended learning approach allows flexibility and accessibility of the programme, thereby enabling students to remain in employment whilst being part of a network of like-minded global health experts across the globe.”
Delivered though a student-centred blended learning approach, online provision, self-directed learning and face-to-face delivery, the programme has a modular structure with three routes: A Master of Science (MSc), Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate. It has been developed to match both employers’ and global health demands and will be delivered through a series of core and optional modules covering topics such as epidemiology and statistics, migration and global health, environmental health and climate change. The programme is designed to provide students with transferable knowledge, skills and competencies to ensure that our graduates are fully equipped for the world of global heath work.
The programme is due to begin in September 2019 and to find out more about how you can ‘Join the innovators. Lead the way. Make an impact’, visit: www.lstmed.ac.uk/MScGH