LSTM has reached another milestone as its orderbook for research grants and contracts income topped half a billion pounds for the first time in its history.
“This figure is incredible for an institution of LSTM’s size,” said LSTM’s Director, Professor Janet Hemingway FRS. “Most larger universities would be delighted with the amount, which I think is testament to the hard work and dedication shown by our researchers and the excellence of work they undertake – all with the aim of reducing the burden of disease in endemic countries.”
The £500,000,000 figure represents the total amount for LSTM’s current live grants awarded for research across the whole LSTM Group. This includes LSTM, LSTM Consulting and IVCC, a product development partnership created in 2005 with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In comparison, LSTM Group’s research grant and contract income when Professor Hemingway became Director in 2001, was around £23 million.
Professor Hemingway continued: “Since its formation in 1898, LSTM has sought to address some of the biggest health issues facing some of the world’s poorest communities. This latest milestone highlights the confidence of our funders in our ability to take innovation in science from the lab to field to benefit those who need it the most.”
As the first institution of its kind in the world LSTM celebrates its 120th anniversary this year and remains at the forefront of research tackling some of the biggest problems in global health.