External Scientific Advisory Panel
The Unit receives strategic advice from an External Scientific Advisory Panel (ESAP) of senior applied health research academics from LMICs and global agencies.
The ESAP ensures LMIC and global agenda setting voices are clearly heard in the prioritisation of research topics and themes and in the peer review of research projects proposed by the Unit. The ESAP also monitors and supervises the progress of the NIHR Unit research programme, including review of final protocols and ongoing progress for the research projects.
There are 6 voting members;
(i) Dr Ndeky Orijo (NIMR) as independent Chair
(ii) A champion for each of the 5 applied health research disciplines as follows:
Clinical & Public Health |
Professor Refiloe Masekela - Paediatric Pulmonologist at University of Kwazulu Natal, Durban, South Africa and Secretary of the Pan African Thoracic Society, |
Applied Social Science |
Dr Sarah Ssali– Senior Lecturer, School of Women and Gender Studies, Makerere, Uganda |
Health Systems |
Dr Ayat Abu-Agla - Community Medicine Consultant, University of Medical Sciences and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan. |
Health Economics |
Professor David Bishai- Centre for Global Health, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, USA |
Policy |
Professor Elizabeth Anne Bukusi |
Non-voting observers will attend ESAP meetings as follows:
- The NIHR Unit Director and Co-Deputy Directors
- A representative from NIHR who will have a standing invitation, but may rotate at the discretion of NIHR
- The Leadership Team
- The Programme Manager
Leadership Team
IMPALA also has access to a Leadership team based at LSTM and including the IMPALA Directorate (Prof Squire, Prof Mortimer, Dr Obasi), Prof David Lalloo (LSTM Director) and Prof Peter Winstanley (Director of Strategic Projects). The Leadership team advises on issues which are both at strategic level (Unit direction / future trajectory, leadership, research quality, etc.) as well as at operational level.