MLW launches Samala Moyo exhibition project

News article 6 Mar 2015

Last week the Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme (MLW) launched its exhibition project called ‘Samala Moyo’ which means ‘Care for your life’. 

The project is an educational and interpretive exhibition specifically focusing on the health themes that are in line with the research conducted at MLW. These include Malaria, TB& HIV, Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) and Microbes Immunity and Vaccines (MIV). The project will help in disseminating general and theme specific health information and targets the general public, health workers, researchers, media, students and community members. 

Graphic panels containing text and pictures have been installed inside the MLW building in Blantyre and these interactive exhibits will be used to explain health concepts on transmission, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. As well as the installation of the exhibits at MLW, the project also has an outreach component aimed at primary and secondary school students and community members in three districts of Blantyre, Chikwawa and Chiradzulu, ensuring that the message reaches many people even those who may not have means to visit the permanent exhibits at MLW. 

The exhibition was opened by theMalawi Minister of Health, Dr Jean A.N. Kalilani, MP, who met with the MLW Acting Director, LSTM’s Professor David Lalloo. Over 120 people attended the launch to listen to the Minister as she praised the work of MLW and it collaborators on the project, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Museums of Malawi. She urged all health professionals working with MLW on Samala Moyo to put in their all to ensure that the project is successful and effective. 

MLW is an internationally leading health research institution led by Malawian & International Scientists, pursuing scientific excellence and improving the health of people in sub-Saharan Africa. To achieve this MLW works in partnership with LSTM, The University of Liverpool and the University of Malawi’s College of Medicine, with major support from the Wellcome Trust.