This online part-time module is available for continuing professional development. The module forms part of our Diploma in Pharmaceutical Systems.
This module aims to provide you with knowledge and critical understanding of the different aspects of pharmaceutical systems and access to medicines practice.
Robust healthcare systems are based on the overlap, and interconnectivity, of management systems and sub-systems. Changes in one system triggers changes in others. The pharmaceutical system is one of the sub-systems that is fundamental to the WHO building block for medicines and technologies and a crosscutting theme for One Health. However, access to medicines of assured quality still pose problems for many countries. In this module you will:
1) Explore the role of the pharmaceutical system within health systems and One Health,
2) Analyse the affordability, acceptability and quality aspect to access
3) Be encouraged to critically examine the key barriers, gaps and opportunities within these areas and the impact in health programmes and systems.
Taking a student-centred and problem-solving approach to facilitate learning, information will be presented through online channels including recorded podcasts, lectures, online learning materials, threaded discussion boards, collaborative work, and chat rooms and this will be enhanced through case studies, career podcasts, online Q&A sessions and group discussions.
LSTM and Quamed have set up a collaboration for the learning units related to quality of medicines.
The module is assessed by a written assignment of 2000 words. You will write a policy brief based 1) on a case study drawn from the literature or your own professional experience and 2) from the outcomes of different online individual and collaborative activities with your peers. As a formative assessment, you will develop the context/scope of the problem and title of your policy brief.
There are two ways to complete this module:
1) As a stand alone CPD module where you do not have to undertake an assessment and will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance on completion.
2) As part of the full Diploma in Pharmaceutical Systems where you do have to undertake the assessment for each module and will be awarded the Diploma in Pharmaceutical Systems on successful completion.