The TRUNCATE-TB trial - Treatment Strategy for Rifampin-Susceptible Tuberculosis

Media 16 May 2023
Christopher Cousins

Christopher Cousins

SpR in Infectious Diseases/GIM

20 April 2023

Speaker: Dr Chris Cousins is specialist registrar in Infectious Diseases & GIM.

He spent five years working as a research fellow at the National University of Singapore where he was the Project Leader of the TRUNCATE-TB trial. He has a particular interest clinical pharmacology and is currently completing his PhD assessing the pharmacokinetics of novel ultra-short course TB regimens evaluated in the trial.

Topic: New strategies are needed to improve treatment outcomes in tuberculosis programmes. The TRUNCATE-TB trial was a randomised, open-label, seamless phase 2/3, non-inferiority trial enrolling participants with rifampicin-susceptible pulmonary tuberculosis in Asia and Africa. The trial compared standard TB treatment to the ‘TRUNCATE strategy’, involving initial treatment with an 8-week regimen, extended treatment for persistent clinical disease, monitoring after treatment, and early retreatment for relapse. In this session, Chris will present key data from the trial as has been recently published in NEJM.