Palwasha Yousafzai Khan
Clinical Associate Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology,
Clinical Research Department,
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Thursday 16th March 2023, 12.30–13.30,
Online or Wolfson Building Rm 8, LSTM
Speaker: Palwasha Khan is a clinical associate professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and an honorary consultant in Sexual Health and HIV medicine in Cardiff. She spends half the year in South Africa and is currently seconded to the Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI) to head the Health Informatics section of the AHRI data science unit. Her research interests include better understanding the drivers of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission at a population-level in high burden settings by using an array of cross-disciplinary approaches. Her research focus is currently centred on how best to inform the targeting of TB care and prevention strategies specific to the local epidemiological and societal context by integrating health systems, biological, clinical, spatial and social data with the dynamic historical and ecological experiences of the communities affected.
Topic: A mini exposition of findings from field epidemiological studies and analyses exploring M.tuberculosis transmission in Malawi, Pakistan and South Africa.