David Callaghan

Senior Educational Technologist

I have a strong academic background with a first degree in Computer Science (UEA), then PCGE (Lanc), PGCert, and MA e-learning (Lanc). I encourage best use of TEL by HE lecturers in areas such as delivery (content), comms (engagement) and assessment (feedback and review). Specific tools include D2L’s Brightspace VLE, the Panopto video hosting service, and Turnitin. This is achieved via blog posts and guides, course reviews, and delivering CPD sessions. I am an avid user of Twitter (@DBCallaghan and @LSTMTEL), TEL discussion lists, and TEL journals for keeping ahead in the profession, networking and sharing best practice. I review for ALT & BJET, and have written many blog posts (e.g,, https://blogs.edgehill.ac.uk/learningedge/author/callagda/ at Edge Hill University. Latest article: “Adaptive action learning in an online community: facilitating a large cohort to deliver results

I am a Senior Educational Technologist with over ten years’ experience in Higher Education. Skilled in Educational Technology, Instructional Design, Curriculum Development, Distance Learning and E-Learning. I am interested in the science behind learning and underpinning pedagogies - with a focus on higher education.

Other relevant expertise, professional memberships, awards

MA E-Learning
PG Cert (Higher Education)
PGCE (Secondary)

Selected publications

  • Collins, H., & Callaghan, D. (2022). What a Difference a Zoom Makes: Intercultural Interactions Between Host and International Students. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v14i2.4300

    Journal article
    SOURCE-WORK-ID: BASE:feae1be58f91592e2e2ed3c5f93c9bd92e9e9cb46c8f3066b15db19de3221865
    CONTRIBUTORS: Helen Collins; David Callaghan

    Action Learning: Research and Practice
    2021-01-02 | Journal article
    DOI: 10.1080/14767333.2020.1854681
    CONTRIBUTORS: David Callaghan; Helen Collins

    Action Learning: Research and Practice
    2018-08-20 | Journal article | author
    DOI: 10.1080/14767333.2018.1510633
    SOURCE-WORK-ID: 9223
    URI: http://archive.lstmed.ac.uk/9223/
    CONTRIBUTORS: Collins, Helen; David Callaghan