LSTM's Leverhulme Lecture 2019 by Dr David Nabarro CBE
Dr David Nabarro describes his work within the United Nations system contributing to equity, health and well-being of people and planet between 1999 and 2017. He will analyse his experiences with engaging in issues that are complex and politically contested, with connecting different actors and with drawing on their varying mandates & motives. He will draw examples from his responsibilities when co-ordinating efforts on malaria, health emergencies, food security, nutrition, Ebola virus disease, cholera in Haiti, sustainable development and climate change. He will analyse his efforts to ensure that his work contributes to people being better able to secure their future through having opportunities to maintain their health and being better able to access care.
Dr Nabarro applies the five principles from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in his analysis:
a) people-centred action with no-one left behind
b) interconnectedness of issues
c) universality of outcomes
d) integrated action
e) partnering