Following in the footsteps of Ronald Ross, who was known as an artist and poet as well as a scientist, LSTM’s Dr Rod Dillon brought together a group of 45 artists, performers, writers, musicians, LSTM staff and students for an evening of storytelling and dance.
The theme of the evening was health and wellbeing, to echo Liverpool’s Year of Health & Wellbeing. Following an introduction by Rod Dillon, Bisakha Sarker from Chaturangan performed a story using dance, inviting people to join in.
Other stories about the Monkey King demonstrated how an ancient story can travel the world and take on different meanings as it is passed from culture to culture.
Suitably inspired people separated into several smaller groups and began to tell their own stories. Each group contained an artist, performer or writer and the tales were captured by a note-taker. Some stories were mythical, others were true and some simply anecdotes.
The stories will be gathered together to produce resource materials; some of this material will be used by local school children and selected material will be published as story cards and innovative digital media, this will initially be available via the Well Travelled Clinic and local NHS waiting rooms.
Liverpool Year of Health and Wellbeing
The project is funded by Liverpool City Council and the NHS Primary Care Trust as part of LSTM’s involvement in Liverpool’s 2010 Year of Health and Well Being.
For further information, please contact:
Alan Hughes, Communications Manager
Office: +44 (0)151 705 3308
Mobile: +44 (0)7759 243969