Professor Steve Ward and the Liverpool Drug Discovery Group have been awarded the Royal Society for Chemistry’s Malcolm Campbell Memorial Award 2011, for work in the area of antimalarial drug discovery and chemical biology of Plasmodium falciparum.
This bi-annual award commemorates Professor Campbell’s outstanding contributions in a broad range of chemistry and their applications to the understanding of bioactivity. This year, the calibre of entrants from both academia and industry was extremely high and the 2011 prize was formally presented to the winning team during the RSC/SCI Medicinal Chemistry Symposium held in Cambridge in September.
Professor Ward said of the award - “Myself and Professors Paul O’Neill and Kevin Park from the Liverpool Drug Discovery Group are extremely proud that the RSC has recognised our work. It is a great personal honour to receive this award, which is the culmination of many years of research carried out by a large number of talented and dedicated young scientists who have been through the labs in LSTM”.