The Maternal and Newborn Health Unit (MNHU), soon to be renamed the Centre for Maternal and Newborn Health (CMNH),based at LSTM is to receive a third of the proceeds from a book that has just been written by a long-time friend of the unit, Professor Jim Dornan of Queen’s University Belfast.
“An Everyday Miracle” in which he gives a unique insight into the world of pregnancy, birth and women’s health was launched at Queen’s University Belfast last week, at which point he made his announcement that the unit’s Making It Happen (MIH) Programme will receive a share of the proceeds. Professor Dornan acts as an external examiner for LSTM’s MSc in International Public- Sexual and Reproductive Health stream and Diploma in Reproductive Health as well as sitting on MNHU’s external advisory group. He has also volunteered on many occasions on the MIH programme, training health professionals in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa in Emergency Obstetric s and New-born Care (the EOC & NC training package).
Head of the MNHU, Professor Nynke van den Broek, is mentioned in the book, alongside the work of the unit. She said: “Professor Dornan is a great supporter of the unit and has given up much of his time, like all of our volunteers, to help reduce the mortality and morbidity of mothers and their newborn children. We are, as ever, very grateful for his contribution.”
The book is available here.