In celebration of International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, LSTM is offering a number of scholarships for those wanting to undertake the Professional Diploma in Tropical Nursing (DTN). These new scholarships are just one of several actions planned by LSTM over 2020 as part of recognising this new global initiative.
The programme, which is specific to nurses and midwives, takes place in May. The full fee scholarships are open to students based in Nigeria or low / Middle income countries, while two 50% tuition waivers are available for UK and EU registered nurses and midwives in the NHS.
Michael Lurie, LSTM’s Director of Partnerships, said: “Nurses and midwives across the UK and the globe are very often the unsung heroes who provide immeasurable expertise to Global Health issues. Their passion for the profession and their impact is something we wish to celebrate. This initiative will provide further opportunities to contribute to this noble agenda.”
LSTM is committed to the development and recognition of nurses and midwives as being at the forefront of championing the Global Health agenda. They play hugely important roles in the health arena and we are keen to promote the impact of nurses and midwives and the important roles they play.
Director of Studies for the DTN, Frances Wood, said: “The DTN curriculum is continuously responding to developing the nurses and midwives role in the evolving Global Health arena. Topical sessions are now included on the impact of climate change on health, refugee mental health and managing outbreaks such as coronavirus and Ebola.”
You can find out more about the scholarship scheme, including the terms and conditions of application here.