LSTM launches LGBTQ+ network as part of its commitment to encourage diversity and inclusion in the workforce

News article 13 Jul 2020

The newly established network will aim to develop an even more inclusive culture at LSTM. It will be run by volunteers across the organisation and will provide support on topics, issues, best practices, or challenges that colleagues face.

The LGBTQ+ network grew out of a staff consultation meeting carried out in late 2019. A Steering Group was later formed comprising of LGBTQ+ staff who had taken part in that consultation and who volunteered their time to help carry out the recommendations.

The group brings together a mix of employees, students, as well as straight allies and friends all under a joint purpose of creating more inclusive workplaces for LGBTQ+ people.

The aim is to promote positive attitudes towards LGBTQ+ people and raise the profile of LGBTQ+ equality across LSTM and become a safe space where staff and students can report workplace issues relating to being LGBTQ+.

Members are offering support to staff and students requiring information about LGBTQ+ identities and issues, as well as advice and consultancy to any department or member of staff wanting an LGBTQ+ perspective for a project or activity.

James McMahon, LGBTQ+ Committee Member, said:“Since launching, employees and students from a diverse set of backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions have joined the group, including allies who are crucial in driving organisational transformation and change. We are proud to have LSTM’s full support behind our efforts and we look forward to making LSTM a welcoming and great place to work for all”

LSTM Director, Professor David Lalloo, said: “Promoting diversity and championing inclusion is a major priority for us. I am committed to ensuring that LSTM is a place where all of our people feel able to be their honest self at work."

The LGBTQ+ network is currently led by Angela Hughes, Giorgio Praulins, Katherine Gleave and James McMahon. The network is open to all LSTM staff and students of all geographies, ethnicities, races, genders, and sexual orientations. To learn more, please visit: