LSTM contributes to the drive for research impact

News article 13 Feb 2015

LSTM has been actively engaged in this week’s #RESUPMEETUP in Nairobi, Kenya. The aim of the meeting was to bring people together working on research and research uptake in this area and share cutting edge ideas and innovations from different sectors and contexts. The meeting was sponsored by the Department for International Development (DFID) and the European Commission (EC), and organised by African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP), the Institute of Development Studies and Quaternary Consulting. The meeting brought together a great mix of professionals, researchers, donors, policy makers and many more. Social media was alive and well and a Storify provides an overview of the diverse discussions and training for the first three days.


ReBUILD were active throughout the symposium and training exchange, sharing experiences of research uptake from fragile and conflict affected settings, with many blogs from the team – as below. Nick Hooton from LSTM and Sarah Sssali from Women and Gender Studies at Makerere University in Uganda delivered an excellent training on user voice in research uptake, drawing on life histories with health workers in Northern Uganda.

LSTM’s Faye Moody said “I really enjoyed the training sessions, learning about wordpress and interactive discussion fora…there are a lot of opportunities we can take forward in research uptake on close-to-community providers inREACHOUT and through our Thematic Working Group on Community Health Workers.”

The meeting has come at exactly the right time for LSTM’s new COUNTDOWN programme of work, which is currently preparing its research uptake strategy. Kate Hawkins from Pamoja Communications, and partner on COUNTDOWN said: “It’s a great honour and a privilege to be among so many clever and practical people working in different contexts, I hope we will all continue to share experiences”.

Read blogs from LSTM staff and consortia partners: