LSTM’s Maternal and Newborn Health Unit completes orientation workshops for new facilitators

News article 25 Mar 2013

LSTM’s Maternal and Newborn Health Unit has just completed two training workshops for new volunteer facilitators for their Life Saving Skills and Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care Course (LSS EOC & NC).

The course is part of the ‘Making It Happen programme’, funded by DfID, and is delivered in 11 countries across sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, including Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Kenya, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

The course is facilitated by UK volunteer Obstetricians, Gynaecologists, Midwives and Anaesthetists along with in country local trainers. The programme involves short lectures followed by practical, hands on sessions to reinforce the lecture.

LSTM’s two day New Facilitators Orientation Workshops which took place trained 38 new UK volunteers to deliver the LSS EOC & NC Course.  The volunteers came from across the UK and consisted of 16 Obstetricians / Gynaecologists, 19 Midwives, 1 Nurse and 2 Anaesthetists.

The workshops were ran by Dr Charles Ameh, a clinical lecturer and head of the Africa Making It Happen team from the Maternal and Newborn Health Unit, and are designed to try and prepare the volunteers for the constraints and potential difficulties of working in low resource countries, let them practise on the equipment and talk them through the procedures of travelling on behalf of the Maternal and Newborn Health Unit.

Collated feedback from the workshops is extremely positive and 30 people have already signed up for the next workshops in July.


For more information please visit

Short Course - MC01 - Life Saving Skills & Essential Obsteric Care