LSTM is playing host to 2018’s Emerging Voices for Global Health meeting ahead of the Fifth Symposium on Health Systems Research which begins in Liverpool next week.
EV4GH has, since 2010, run in parallel to the Global Symposium on Health Systems Research and was designed to give early stage career researchers and health professionals, particularly from the Global South, an opportunity to present their research and policy agenda on the global scene. With emerging voices now a Thematic Working Group of Health Systems Global, EV18 saw a record number of applications with over 500 people applying for the 33 places on offer. Beginning with a six weeks distance learning course the EV18s are spending 10 days at LSTM looking at each of the four Symposium themes and other thematic areas relevant to the network.
LSTM’s Laura Dean is the local host co-ordinator. Herself a graduate of EV16, she is delighted to have been able to welcome this year’s participants to LSTM. She said: “I really benefitted from taking part last time, so it is an honour to welcome this year’s emerging voices. We have a packed programme of speakers and different debates and discussions which give them an opportunity to talk about their own experiences, learn from other people and challenge existing health system models when talking to the current experts in the field. Part of LSTM’s mission is to train the global health leaders of the future, so it is fantastic that we are able to host EV18.”
Along with expert talks, discussions and presentations, the participants will be spending a day visiting local health systems providers, including the Whitechapel Centre, Sahir House, Savera UK, Picton Children’s Centre, FoodActive, Mary Seacole House, Chinese Wellbeing, Firefit Hub, Refugee Women Connect, Merseyside Youth Association, Vauxhall GP Practice, A better life Wirral and Change Grow Live, Wirral. The 10 days culminates in a pre-conference event at LSTM, where the EV18s will be able to present their oral and poster presentations. Open to the public, the day ends with a plenary panel discussion with panellists including LSTM’s Professor Sally Theobald and the Chair of Health Systems Global, Dr Kabir Sheikh.
Dr Dorcus Kiwanuka Henriksson, of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, is the Chair of the Emerging Voices for Global Health Network. She said: “Emerging voices is an important platform to ensure that those researchers and health professionals, particularly from the Global South, have a place at the table when issues of global health are discussed. Young researchers and professionals from low and middle-income countries are so often not represented at global meetings, where they can bring a wealth of experience and relevant understanding of the issues and situations being addressed. The work being undertaken by our latest cohort potentially holds the answer to some of the most relevant questions in global health today and we are delighted to offer them a voice.”
The pre-conference meeting will be held at LSTM, please email ev4gh@iphindia.org for more details.