Dr Charles Ameh becomes RCOG Fellow

News article 21 Mar 2017

Dr Charles Ameh, Deputy Head of LSTM’s Centre for Maternal and Newborn Health (CMNH), has become a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). 

He was invited to become a Fellow honoris causa as a result of a unanimous wish by the Council of the College. It is an acknowledgement of what they describe the highest levels of dedication and achievements in clinical care and his support to the development of women’s healthcare service, particularly in low and middle income countries. At the weekend Dr Ameh and a number of other new fellows took part in a Fellows’ admission ceremony during the RCOG World Conference which is currently being held in Cape Town, South Africa.

Dr Ameh said: “I am honoured to have been recognised by RCOG for contributions to the advancement of maternal health.” Dr Ameh has worked with CMNH for several years and leads the research on effectiveness of skills and drills training for the reduction of Maternal and Newborn mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. Already a Fellow of both the International and West African Colleges of Surgeons, he is also a member of the RCOG International Office steering committee for life saving skills – Essential Obstetric Care and Newborn Care Courses.