Director welcomes new students in Syria

Press release 5 Sep 2008

LSTM Director Professor Janet Hemingway today sent a welcome message to new students beginning Masters courses at the Syria Centre for Strategic Health Studies (CSHS) in Health Systems Management, Hospital Management, Public Health and Health Economics.

Speaking via a video message, she said: “This is a welcome message to all of you on behalf of myself, the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and our partners and associates in the Technical Assistance project supporting the CSHS.

“LSTM, an international centre of excellence, is very pleased and proud of its close collaboration with the Centre and the excellent progress we made so far. We have been working closely, and very successfully, with the Syria health sector and its institutions for well over 10 years in teaching, training, technical assistance and consultancy as well as research.

“The educational programmes we have designed and are implementing jointly at the Centre all aim and are expected to deliver the most up to date knowledge and state-of-the-art skills in relation to their subject area of specialisation. They are adapted following quality assurance measures similar to and modelled after the same ones we use for our internal educational programmes at LSTM.

“The subject areas of your Masters degree, of Health Systems Management, Hospital Management, Public Health and Health Economics were carefully chosen to meet the need and challenges of health sector modernisation and public health workforce development not only in Syria but also as relevant to the region and as consistent with the views of leading agencies and expert groups in international health.

“A lot is expected of you following your successful graduation to advance the cause of health in your country and in the wider region. We are committed and will spare no effort to ensure you get the best learning opportunity possible that should be at par with the Masters courses offered internationally.

“Our international team working closely with the national team will see you through this process. We are confident that all of you will use this opportunity to the full to maximise your knowledge and skills to be worthy of being offered the Masters degree title. That will take very hard work and devotion of the best part of the following two years of your life – but it is worth it.

“Finally a word of appreciation is due to the national and the international teams of academics and professionals who through their efforts and dedication made it possible to have these Four Masters courses set to be launched on time for you this year. I would like to thank them on my behalf and on behalf of Dr Reem Akras General Director of the CSHS, who is National Project Manager on the Syrian side, and Dr Amir Hassan, who is Project Director on the Liverpool side.” 



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